Presearch History - How It All Started?

Presearch project is active in the crypto space since the end of 2017. Founder of the project Colin Pape has started with the idea of decentralized search engine that is driven by the community but not by one authority. Using Presearch you can now make your search with 93 Search providers. The platform currently has more than 1.3 million users world wide and increasing every day.

In this article we are planning to give you an insight about the brief history of the start up and how it all started.

Idea Behind Presearch

Before the launch of the Presearch company, Colin Pape was the founder of Shop City website and this website was listing the local shops in US. One day he noticed that Google penalized their website and moved them way back on the search results. This resulted in a very big loss of their market share in one second. When he tried to contact Google, they did not even give him a proper reason for such action. This incident was the main reason Colin Pape came up with the idea of Preasearch.

The ancient form of Presearch engine was website. According to web archives this website was live in 2014 with the slogan ''Switzerland of Search Engines''. website in 2014 from Webarchive
In its first days, search engine was using Google as default and was enabling you to make a search from major search engines like Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. By 2017 platform added several more platforms to their selection including some social media websites like Reddit, coding databases like Github and another search engine that was newly launched back in the days, DuckDuckGo website in 2017 from Webarchive

By the 2017, Colin Pape and his team decided to move projects to the crypto world and launched the website and published their White Paper in 2017. They have planned 5 token sales starting July 2017 for early adopters of the project. All of the Lot sales were successful in their own way, each with unique experiences and learnings, and in total sold 155m tokens, generating ~$16M in revenue.

On November 9, 2017, Presearch launched its first beta version of their search tool under website. They started up the company Global Limited and launched the website with 81 search providers.

Presearch interface of the beta launch
Currently with Presearch platform you can search under 93 search providers and earn 0.25 PRE as a reward for every search you make under the platform. You can also offer new search platforms to be included in the system.

There are 93 Search Providers in Presearch as of this date
