Presearch - New Generation Decentralized Search Engine

Welcome to our blog about the Presearch project. Presearch is a decentralized search engine project in the cryptocurrency world. It is the first search engine project in the cryptoworld and that is why it is a very exciting and unique project. In this blog, we will try to gather you all the relevant information about this project that was started back in 2017.

In quora website, Marius Kramer is one of the top question answerers for cryptocurrency topics. He has made a very deep research about the prospect of Presearch and why it can be one of the big next things. Below are some points that are supporting Presearch to increase value in the long term.

1. The idea behind Presearch is strong. 

The first reason why Presearch is very good is because the idea is good and the current sentiment in the world wants what Presearch is building. Privacy oriented search engines are much in demand since Edward Snowden and since Google made it clear that it collects all your data and sells it.

Additionally, Google is a centralized authority that can take down entire businesses with the flick of a finger. They are too powerful.

The world needs more search engines that reduce the power of Google. Duckduckgo is already a start with privacy-oriented search and they are already running at $50M annual revenue.

However, Presearch is not only privacy-oriented search. It’s that and decentralized search. Decentralized how? The goal of Presearch is to let their search engine be run by their community with thousands of instances that has no central authority that cannot unilaterally decide, which new rules to implement. Those rules would need to be voted on by the community.

For example, if Presearch wanted to punish anti-vaxxer sites for publishing misleading content, they couldn’t just decide to do it, but the whole community would need to decide with a majority vote on it. This democratizes the governance of search, which is currently not democratized at all, but completely in the hands of one company.

Finally, the search space is huge. Google currently has a $1T market cap and most of their revenue comes from search ads. The market is so big that just by being a small fish, you can make billions of dollars. Presearch is the only company that comes into the search space with the power of the blockchain in the back. 

2. It has lots of advertisers waiting
2,000 advertisers have already signed up wanting to try out the staking platform.

BAT has 10,000 advertisers waiting to use their ad platform. This is a very good number for Presearch.

3. Founder track record and founder mission
A very important factor to build a company is the founder track record. Building a tech company to success is so incredibly that only a very small portion of human beings can do it. You need incredibly emotional control, inhuman willpower, nearly endless energy, very advanced critical thinking skills, very advanced social skills, mental fluidity to build a company to success while managing many employees.

That’s why the biggest risk when evaluating a company is when the company has a first time entrepreneur.

The Presearch founder is a real entrepreneur. He built his first company when he was 20 and has been running it for 20 years. Shopcity is making millions of dollars in revenue, has 50 employees and he plans to use it in synergy with Presearch with localized searches.

Now, we get to the mission. Colin started Presearch, because when Google launched their Shopping feature, Shopcity was punished through the Google algorithm. Colin even launched a lawsuit against Google, because of that but couldn’t win, because they are simply too big.

That’s what caused him to found Presearch, in order to take away the power from Google and build a democratized landscape for online search. 

4. Pure organic growth
So far, Presearch hasn’t spent any money on ads. Only a referral bonus was enough to grow them to 1 million users within 12 months.

They expected to grow to 100,000 within their first year of launch, but they actually grew to 1 million users. That’s a very strong sign that users like and want the product.

5. Tons of traction

These were already 4 strong factors. Now, we get to the really strong factors, starting with traction. Traction is usually the absolute #1 factor for evaluation a startup, but there are 4 more to come.

Presearch now already have 1.4 million total users and 400,000 monthly active users. That’s 5% of what BAT currently has. However, their market cap is 300x smaller than BAT’s even though it only has a 20x smaller user base.

This makes it undervalued by 15x compared to BAT. Since BAT is currently also undervalued by 3x, this would make it undervalued by 45x. 

6.They already make $90,000 in revenue per month or $1.1M per year. 

This is an advanced level of traction, revenue. Many companies have lots of users, but simply can’t become cash flow positive.

However, Presearch has done that. They currently receive 300,000 searches per day on their entire platform and 75,000/day on their own search engine DSearch, where they get paid $18/1,000 searches by ad partners to list their keywords.

This is around $40,000 in revenue per month. Then, they get $50,000 additional revenue from people buying their tokens.

Only BNB, NEXO, BAT, HUOBI and probably DENT make more revenue than that. This puts Presearch as the coin with the 6th most revenue out of all 5,000 cryptocurrencies. Maybe DENT has a bit more revenue or it has less. That’s unclear at this point, but I don’t see DENT making more than $1M revenue at this point after giving Telco’s their cut.

7.Upcoming exchange listings

Exchange listings are on of the biggest causes of price spikes even though they don’t mean that much. This is somewhat of a remnant of the last bull run, where getting listed on Binance was almost the best thing in the world.

Now with Presearch, there will be a BTC pair coming on Probit in 6 days and an additional exchange listing on Kucoin will come in February.

Presearch has also been in contact with Binance, but this listing usually takes a while.

8. They will provide free traffic to anyone using their keyword ad platform, beginning from January 29th for the next 12 months. This has already started under presearch keyword staking program.

This is almost the strongest reason, because it has the biggest impact on token velocity, since free traffic is very attractive to advertisers and they must purchase tokens from exchanges before they can get free traffic.

They are also not charging anything for it. You just stake your tokens on a keyword like “makeup” and you get free traffic, but only if you are the biggest staker on that keyword for now. They will keep it like this for the next 12 months to get more advertisers on board with free traffic, which then buy more tokens, which makes token increase in price

9. Tiny market cap and massive fundamentals discrepancy

However, the strongest reason is their tiny market cap compared to their fundamentals. I don’t see any other coin that has even remotely such a large discrepancy. With such large discrepancies, this is where the opportunity lies.

Only by judging their fundamentals, their market cap should be at $20M. That’s 20x of what it was yesterday and 10x of what it is now.

Their fundamentals are at the same level of DENT, but they have a 10x smaller market cap. DENT is also undervalued by 3x-4x, so Presearch’s fair valuation is at 30x-40x from what it is now.

The second largest discrepancy I see is probably only NEXO. With its $50M market cap, it should be at the same level of BAT at $250M market cap and BAT should be at $500M at least, so NEXO is undervalued by 10x. IN comparison, Presearch is undervalued by 30x-40x.

I have not seen a larger discrepancy in market cap and fundamentals in any coin before.

There are also dozens of coins with a $30M market cap, where Presearch still has 3x-4x stronger fundamentals, so a $100M market cap for PRE would also not be weird. That was actually their market cap 6 months ago before their partner had to sell $500,000 of PRE, because they went broke.

Even if Presearch had a $100M market cap right now, no one would find it strange. Everybody would say that it’s deserved since they already have over a million users and $300k revenue.

There is no way for strong coins like BNB or even BAT to do a 100x, because that would put BNB at the same market cap as Bitcoin and would put BAT above Ethereum. BAT is a great coin, but BAT is running on Ethereum alongside numerous multi-million dollar companies like NEXO and also BNB. That’s why that’s just not possible, at least not in the foreseeable future.

But if you have a $500,000 market cap, a 100x would only put you at a $50M market cap it would just put you in the Top60 on CMC. Nothing too crazy and there are many coins there that don’t have a million users or revenue.

Judging by all the detailed points of Marius Kramer, it wouldn't be wrong to say that you should be part of Presearch community before it is too late. Only thing that you need to do is to change your searching habits in the internet from Google to presearch and you will earn money and invest on a good project at the same time.

You can use the link below to sign up for Presearch and start earning Pre Coins.

